Resources for Exploratories, Reference, and Study
Alex. Catalogue of Electronic
(public-domain) Texts with concordance.
Avalon Project. Ancient to modern texts in law,
history, diplomacy (Yale).
Bedford Bibliography. Reynolds, Nedra, Patricia Bizzell, and Bruce
Herzberg, Eds. The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, 6th
Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. [at Strozier]
Comparative Rhetoric. Kennedy, George. Comparative Rhetoric: An
Historical and Cross-Cultural Introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 1998. [at Strozier]
CompFAQs. CompPile Bibliographies.
Critical Terms for Media Theory. U Chicago "Theories of Media" keyword glossary.
Crossing Borderlands. Lunsford, Andrea A., and Lahoucine Ouzgane, eds. Crossing Borderlands: Composition and Postcolonial Studies. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2004. [at Strozier]
Diotima. Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World (dated, but good).
E-Pluribus Unum. 18th-20th century American oratory and texts.
Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition. Enos, Theresa, ed. Encyclopedia
of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the
Information Age. New York: Garland, 1996. [at Strozier]
Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Sloane,
Thomas O., ed. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric.
New York: Oxford UP, 2001. [at Strozier]
Full Text Sources. Resources and full texts of treatises in western and non-western history. Paul Halsall's work at Fordham University.
Gephi. Open platform.
Gephi. Open platform.
Glossary of Classical Rhetorical Terms. UKY Modern and Classical LCC.
Glossary of Terms for Rhetorical Argument. From Ramage, et al, eds. Argument in Composition, 2009
WAC Clearinghouse.
InPho. Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project (IU).
Internet Library of Early Journals. 18th-19th century journals.
Making of America at Cornell U and U Michigan. Electronic book library.
Nietz Collection. 19th-Century
Schoolbooks in the Nietz Donations at University of Pittsburgh.
Perseus Project Digital Library. Tufts U.
Project Gutenberg
Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition. WAC Clearinghouse series of open-access books that look historically at various topics in rhetoric and composition.
Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition. WAC Clearinghouse series of open-access books that look historically at various topics in rhetoric and composition.
Rhetoric and Human Consciousness. Smith,
Craig R. Rhetoric and Human
Consciousness: A History, Fourth Edition. Long Grove, IL: Waveland, 2013. [at Strozier and in R/C library]
Rhetoric in the Rest of the West. Borrowman, Shane, et al, eds. Rhetoric in the Rest of the West. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. [at Strozier]
Rhetoric of Western Thought. Golden, James L. Goodwin Berquist,
and William E. Coleman, eds. The Rhetoric of Western Thought: From the
Mediterranean World to the Global Setting. Tenth Edition. Dubuque, IA:
Kendall/Hunt, 2013. [at Strozier and in R/C library]
Rhetoric: Concepts and Definitions. Covino, William A., and
David A. Jolliffe, eds. Rhetoric:
Concepts, Definitions, Boundaries. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1995. [at Strozier and in R/C library]
Rhetorical Criticism. Foss, Sonja. Rhetorical Criticism: Explorations
and Practice, Fourth Edition. Long Grove, IL: Waveland, 2009. [at Strozier]
SAGE Handbook. Lunsford, Andrea, ed. The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical
Studies. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2009. [at Strozier]
Silva Rhetoricae. Gideon Burton’s “Forest of Rhetoric” (BYU).