Midterm Examination (30 points)
Before Week 8, I’ll ask you to stop, reflect, and then synthesize the simultaneously broad and deep range of material we have covered in class in the form of a written exam. The exam will consist of a single take-home question that calls on you to make coherent but specific meaning of how a particular issue, idea, question, or strand has developed in Rhetorical Theory.
You will have the opportunity to choose one question from a short list of questions and you may write your response using any readings, notes, or handouts from our course. Your response should be in the range of ~1250 or 1500 words (no more than 3 single-spaced pages, including works cited). MLA or Chicago-style citations preferred.
You will have a week to write your response, though you can easily complete it in one well-prepared sitting. Try to set aside a 48-hour period in which to get it done, since you will be completing it on your own without assistance from others or from any online resources. Please, no Internet connection during your exam; have all your readings downloaded ahead of time.
Distributed in class on Thursday, October 20; due to Canvas by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 27.