(Wk1: Waiting for Hermine; classes cancelled after 12:00 p.m.)
Wk2: Looking Historically at Rhetorical Theory
R 9/8/16
- Introduction to Course Concepts, Methods, and Each Other
- General Introduction to Bizzell/Herzberg collection (B/H 1-16)
- Bitzer and either Vatz or Biesecker on the rhetorical situation (CL)
First-day reading to be completed by class time: Read Bitzer and either Vatz or Biesecker, annotating or marking them up where questions occur. Read any 5 pages in B/H 1-16 and be ready to discuss at least 5 things about how Bizzell and Herzberg have organized the anthology, the field, and the topics. Just notice and reflect on anything you can (big and small, concrete and abstract).
Wk3: Authorship and Influence
R 9/15/16
- Plato The Phaedrus (intro excerpts, 56-86) (CL)
- Aristotle On Rhetoric Bk I. ch 5-14 (B/H 169-178, 188-209)
- Barthes “The Death of the Author” (CL)
- Asante “An Afrocentric Theory of Communication” (CL)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Classical Rhetoric Introduction (B/H 30-41)
- Aspasia (B/H 56-66)
- Golden “Plato Revisited: A Theory of Discourse for All Seasons” (CL)
- Gross “The Rhetorical Tradition” (CL)
- Jarratt “The First Sophists: History and Historiography” (CL)
- Poulakos “Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric” (CL)
Wk4: Logic and Audience
R 9/22/16
- Dissoi Logoi by Anonymous (B/H 47-55)
- Aristotle On Rhetoric Bk I. ch 1-4, 15 (B/H 179-187, 210-213)
- Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca The New Rhetoric (B/H 1372-1378, 1384-1409)
- Condit “Perelman’s Prolegomenon to New Rhetoric: How Should We Feel?” (CL)
Due Weekly 1 – Exploratory in class and on blog (both parts due)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Classical Rhetoric Introduction (B/H 19-30)
- Boethius An Overview of the Structure of Rhetoric (B/H 486-491)
- Dearin “The Philosophical Basis of Chaim Perelman’s Theory of Rhetoric” (CL)
- Garrett “Pathos Reconsidered from the Perspective of Classical Chinese Rhetorical Theories” (CL)
- Warnick “Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca’s Contribution” (CL)
Wk5: Humanism and Disciplinarity
R 9/29/16
- Quintilian Institutio Oratoria (B/H 359-400) [we will divvy up these pages]
- Ramus Arguments in Rhetoric against Quintilian (B/H 674-692)
- Bacon The Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum (B/H 736-747)
- Shome “Postcolonial Interventions into the Rhetorical Canon” (web link)
Due Weekly 2 – Performance Paper to Canvas and in class
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Humanism Introduction (B/H 565-580)
- Madeleine de Scudery Of Conversation (B/H 761-772)
- O’Rourke, et al “Most Significant Passage on Rhetoric in Works of Bacon” (web link)
- Bizzell and Jarratt “Rhetorical Traditions, Pluralized Canons, Relevant History, and Other Disputed Terms” (web link)
- Gaonkar, “Rhetoric and its Double” (CL)
- Ong “Literacy and Orality in our Times” (CL)
Wk6: Rhetoric and/as Epistemology
R 10/6/16
- Locke An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (B/H 814-827)
- Campbell The Philosophy of Rhetoric (B/H 898-916, 923-938)
- Haraway “Situated Knowledges” (CL)
- Mao “Writing the Other into Histories of Rhetorics” (CL)
Due Weekly 3 – Exploratory (collaborative portion due in class; individual blog portion due by noon on 10/8)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Enlightenment Rhetoric Introduction (B/H 791-799)
- Bitzer “Hume’s Philosophy in [Campbell’s] Philosophy of Rhetoric” (CL)
- Consigny “Dialectical, Rhetorical, and Aristotelian Rhetoric” (web link)
- Jarratt “Sappho’s Memory” (web link)
- Kant “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” (CL)
- Young “Arts, Crafts, Gifts and Knacks” (CL)
Wk7: Rhetoric and/as Genre
R 10/13/16
- Vico On the Study Methods of Our Time (B/H 862-878)
- Bakhtin “The problem of Speech Genres” (B/H 1206-1210, 1227-1245)
- Devitt “Generalizing about Genre” (CL)
- Queen “Transnational Rhetorics in a Digital World” (web link)
Due Weekly 4 – Performance Paper to Canvas and in class
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Enlightenment Rhetoric Introduction (B/H 799-808)
- Bawarshi “Beyond the Genre Fixation: Translingual Perspective on Genre” (web link)
- Bevilacqua “Campbell, Vico, and the Rhetorical Science of Human Nature” (CL)
- Eckford-Prossor and Clifford “Language Obscures Social Change” (CL)
- Miller “Genre as Social Action” (CL)
- Sheridan, et al “Kairos and Multimodal Public Rhetorics” (CL)
Wk8: Rhetoric and/as Ideology
R 10/20/16
- Richards The Philosophy of Rhetoric (B/H 1270-1273, 1281-1294)
- Burke “Terministic Screens” (B/H 1295-1298, 1340-1347)
- Crosswhite “What Is Deep Rhetoric II?” (CL) [pp. 64-87, 104-05]
- Ochieng “The Ideology of African Philosophy” (CL) [optional]
Due Critical Project Proposal to Canvas
Midterm Exam Distributed in Class (due 10/27, but can be completed in 48 hours)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Introductions (B/H 996-999, 1186-1194)
- Grimke Letters on Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Women (B/H 1045-1060)
- Blankenship, et al “Pivotal Terms in the Early Works of Kenneth Burke” (CL)
- Burke “The Rhetoric of Hitler’s ‘Battle’” (CL)
- Fogarty “I. A. Richards’ Theory” (CL)
- Richards and Ogden The Meaning of Meaning (B/H 1270-1280)
Wk9: Mid-Term Exam and Project Proposal Discussion
R 10/27/16
Due Submission of Midterm to Canvas
Wk10: Cultural Dis/identification
R 11/3/16
- Foucault The Order of Discourse (B/H 1432-1435, 1460-1470)
- Muckelbauer “On Reading Differently” (CL)
- Gates, Jr. “Signifying Monkey and the Language of Signifyin(g)” (B/H 1543-1581)
- McGee “In Search of ‘The People’” (web link)
Due Weekly 5 – Exploratory (both parts due)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Twentieth-Century Introduction (B/H 1196-1205)
- Asante “Socio-Historical Perspectives of Black Oratory” (web link)
- Berlin “Revisionary Histories of Rhetoric: Politics, Power, and Plurality” (CL)
- Marback “A Meditation on Vulnerability in Rhetoric” (web link)
- McPhail “The Politics of (In)visibility in African American Rhetorical Scholarship” (CL)
Wk11: Cultural Dis/location
R 11/10/16
- AnzaldĂșa “Towards a New Consciousness” (CL) and (B/H 1582-1584)
- Trinh “Difference: A Special Third World Women Issue” (CL)
Stroud “The Challenge of Speaking with Others” (CL)- Jarratt “Beside Ourselves: Rhetoric and Representation in Postcolonial Feminist Writing” (CL)
- Gates, Jr. “Signifying Monkey and the Language of Signifyin(g)” (B/H 1543-1581)
Due Weekly 6 – Performance Paper to Canvas and in class
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Dow “Feminism, Difference(s) and Rhetorical Studies” (CL)
- Kuehl “Toward a Feminist Theory of Global Citizenship” (CL)
- Rorty “The Contingency of Language” (CL)
- Wallace “Alternative Rhetoric and Reality: Writing from the Margins” (web link)
- Wu “Historical Studies of Rhetorical Women Here and There” (web link)
Wk12: Rhetorical Subject/ivitie/s and Object/ivitie/s
T 11/15/16 [note schedule change this week only]
- Campbell “‘The Rhetoric of Women’s Liberation: An Oxymoron’ Revisited” (CL)
- Foss and Griffin “Beyond Persuasion” (web link)
- Hawhee “Kairotic Encounters” (CL)
- Hart-Davidson, et al “Rethinking the Rhetorical Tradition in a Digital Age” (CL)
Due Weekly 7 – Exploratory (both parts due by 2:00 p.m. on 11/17/16)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Campbell “The Rhetoric of Women’s Liberation: An Oxymoron” (web link)
- Edbauer “Unframing Models of Public Distribution” (CL)
- Ridolfo “Rhetorical Delivery as Strategy” (CL)
- Ryan and Natalle “Fusing Horizons: Standpoint Hermeneutics and Invitational Rhetoric” (web link)
- Sullivan and Porter Opening Spaces (excerpts) (CL)
R 11/24/16 No class meeting
Wk14: Rhetoric in Space
R 12/1/16
- Vasaly “Ambience, Rhetoric, and the Meaning of Things” (web link)
- Delagrange “Visual Arrangement as Inquiry” (web link)
Miller “The Mobility of Trust” (CL) [excerpts TBA]- Haskins “Between Archive and Participation: Public Memory in a Digital Age” (CL)
Additional & Recommended Readings
- Biesecker “Of Historicity, Rhetoric: Archive as the Scene of Invention” (CL)
- Boyle “Writing and Rhetoric and/as Posthuman Practice” (web link)
- Hawhee “Rhetoric’s Sensorium” (CL)
- Lamp “A City of Brick: Visual Rhetoric in Roman Rhetorical Theory” (web link)
Wk15: Semester Review and Discussion of Critical Projects
R 12/8/16
Finals Week: Genre Presentations
T 12/13/16 [Tuesday meeting, 4:30-7:20 p.m.]
Due Genre Presentations in class
Critical Papers and Genre Presentation materials due to Canvas